Lakeside Medical Society
What we do
Our club welcomes all students, whether you're set on becoming a doctor or just considering the idea of it, to further explore the medical field. We split our time between hosting an animated speaker series and club-led medical exploration. Speakers are all PhDs, med school students, or M.Ds (medical doctors), volunteering their time to share their experiences with us. We are incredibly grateful for these opportunities. Fun medical opportunities include learning to suture, phlebotomy, and CPR lessons.
Currently, Medical Society has over 115 club members. Check out our "Upcoming" page to see how you can join in!
Our speakers
So far, Medical Society has brought in close to a dozen speakers, including:
Dr. Lorna McFarland: Yale and UCSF graduate, practiced in West Africa as a pediatrician, expert in child medicine
Dr. Erin Frame: 4th year med student at UW (as of 2022), COVID-19 forecasting team
Brian Lusby: 2nd year med student at UW (as of 2022), presented pathways to med school and beyond
Joyce Chen: (1st year med student at UPENN Dentistry (as of 2022), shared her interest in dentistry and life as a student
Dr. Larry Zweifel: Johns Hopkins graduate, UW neuroscience professor, taught his research in neuropsychiatric and behaviour disorders
Joy Irvin: Registered nurse, worked at Seattle Children's NICU, first Lakeside School nurse
Carey Farquhar
Lauren Abrey
Want to join?
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